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NJBC to host the 2024 USAB Northeast Closed Regional Championships on 12/13-15th
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Coach Felix Anthonius, is a PBSI certified Indonesia National Level coach. Felix has extensive expertise in designing and implementing training program for different levels of players. During his coaching career, Felix has trained and channeled countless outstanding players, including international level players such as Sony Kuncoro, Tontowi Ahmad and Ade Yusuf, to Indonesia National Badminton Team.
Career Highlights
P.B HI – Qua Wima Badminton Club / Surabaya, Indonesia /
Coach / 1993 - 2000
Head Coach / 2010 - 2017
Identified and Trained the following national level badminton players:
Sony Dwi Kuncoro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Dwi_Kuncoro
Tontowi Ahmad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tontowi_Ahmad
Ade Yusuf: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ade_Yusuf
Ricky Widianto: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riky_Widianto
Trilert Udon Thani Badminton Club / Thailand
Coach / 2005-2009
Coached Saapshiree Taerattanachai for the women’s double national team
East Java Provincial Team / Indonesia
Coach / 2001-2004
Prepared the East Java Provincial Team for national championship
Coched Tontowi Ahmad and prepared him for the national team
Djarum Kudus Club / Indonesia
Professional Athlete / 1988-1992
Second place in men’s singles at Elang Open, Yogyakarta
3rd Place men’s singles at Bimantara Jakarta Open
Team event champion at Ardath Trophy XI, Bandung ( partner withSIGIT BUDIARTO)
Team event champion at Ardath Trophy XII, Jember ( partner with SIGIT BUDIARTO)